Friday, January 31, 2014


Guerrilla business intense This is the reason why I traveled to Milan two days ago. To attend to a 5 days intense business course by Success Resources. A signature course made by T.Harv Eker. The writer of the two best selling books. The secret millionaire mind and Speed wealth. I have had the most incredible 2 days and 3 more to go. 

Our teacher today has been: Alex Mandossian. Alex is a marketer and do personally consulted Dale Carnegie Training, He has hosted teleseminars with many of the world’s top thought leaders such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, Harv Eker, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, Harvey Mackay and many others.

Our second teacher today has been Joel D. Roberts.
For you who doesn't know who Joel D is. He is widely considered to be one of the top media consultants in the business. He is the official media coach for some of the most successful people in the world. One of them is the Co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. An other one is T.Harv Eker himself and a third one is Stephen R Covey and thats only a few of them.

I don't gonna write about what we do or what we learn but I wake up empty every morning and go to bed full every night.