Thursday, December 11, 2014

Three days of pure Happiness!

Three days of pure happiness in Sweden.
I wont go back during Christmas as I normally do so instead We went over to Stockholm for a couple of days to visit my family and best friend.
Anyone that are planning to visit this beautiful City go during the summer when the sun is out.

M x

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Make the whole world to smile in December.

All the very small things for you will make a huge different for someone else.
For only £16 you can feed a child in Malawi for 1 month with all the important nutrition they will need. Always remember to give back!
Send me a email for details and be a part of Nourish the Children.

M x

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Create your own future.

97% of people work a J.O.B = (Just Over Broke), all of them want an M.B.A = (Massive Bank Account) They are clueless on how to create wealth and become R.I.C.H = (Residual Income Creates Happiness), Continuously surrounding themselves with H.A.T.E.R.S = (Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success), and then they wonder why they are P.O.O.R = (Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly)
To all the open minded and driven people in London that are looking for a extra income or a business opportunity.
Join me for our Business Briefing this Saturday at 12pm, Radisson Hotel, Warren Street.
For more details drop email to:
M x


Thank you Go'Active for this wonderful gift I got this morning.
A full pack of my favourites product of them all, Go-Active Vitamin Fuel Drink.
Perfect to drink before a hard class in the gym or at work to keep your concentration on track. 
The taste are fresh fruity and comes in three different flavour (Lime is my recommendation) and only 16 calories per drink.   

Go-Active is a brilliant side for daily tips about food, health and training. 
If you ever get stuck on what food to make, what snack to eat without putting on weight or if you need inspiration to make the training more fun and varied. Go-Active is the perfect side to visit.

M x

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Poch Fit Journey, Day 1.

A lot is happening at the moment and I'm well excited to finish the last chapter of 2014 in the best possible way.

I did sign up at LA Fitness yesterday and today I start my Posh Fit journey with Linda Hedenstrom, Personally trainer, athlet and founder of Scandinavian Fitness. During 8 weeks we will train together 3 times a week to explore a new training method called Posh Fit.
We will have the first training session today that will include weighted Squat variations, shadow boxing, push ups, traveling Burpees and more.

Pictures and weekly updates will come up on the blog.